Wine and Food
"The singular "resedio" cover in ivy and surrounded by ancient oaks, characteristics for a narrow path with steps, throw which you can reach it".
The hermitage was forgotten for several years under blanket of forgetfulness and rubbish, closed to the visit of people who know its secret existence.
Certainly we know it was during several centuries theideal place for a hermitical life of monks who devoted themselves to prayer and penance, but the conjecture that it could be an ancient Etruscan tomb reused as a hermitage makes this visit unique and exiting.
The sunlight comes throw the narrow windows, grazes them and enhances the outlines and the folds of clothes and creates an oriental grave atmosphere.
The place with its lights and shades, with its mysterious parts influences and charms the visitor, gives him the sensation to be in a place full of mystery and sacred.
Thermal Baths
Pochi fiumi e molte terme per un territorio, quello compreso fra la Val d’Orcia e la Valdichiana, legatissimo alle acque che, da sempre, hanno offerto all’uomo condizioni ottimali per la vita. La stessa Via Francigena, non a caso, snodava il suo percorso andando a sfiorare la fumante vasca di Bagno Vignoni e le “scogliere” di calcare di Bagni San Filippo: localita’, già allora, frequentate da illustri personaggi e da una moltitudine infinita di pellegrini. Ogni zona ha tuttavia un rapporto diretto con le sorgenti termali: un po’ dappertutto sono state rinvenute tracce di antiche terme, come a San Casciano dei Bagni e, naturalmente, a Chianciano, come dimostrano i significativi ritrovamenti di reperti provenienti da un edificio termale di epoca romana e da un tempio etrusco dedicato ad una divinità delle “acque salutari”, oggi conservati nel museo archeologico della citta’. Dopo la caduta dell’impero romano, durante tutto l’alto medioevo, l’interesse verso le terme si affievolì, per ritornare solo nel XIV secolo e rimanere vivo e inalterato nel tempo come dimostrano le numerose strutture nate attorno alle sorgenti. Lo stesso Fellini ha fatto crescere alberghi, parchi, negozi e luoghi di divertimento intorno alle sorgenti dell’Acqua Santa e di Sant’Elena, immortalando Chianciano Terme nel suo Otto e mezzo. A soli tre km da Chianciano, nella frazione di Sant’Albino troviamo le Terme di Montepulciano, all’avanguardia nella ricerca e nell’applicazione delle cure termali. Spostandoci definitivamente nella Valdichiana troviamo le acque sulfuree di Rapolano e infine la gigantesca piscina termale di Sarteano.
Jun Romitorio di Pienza
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What to do
"The singular "resedio" cover in ivy and surrounded by ancient oaks, characteristics for a narrow path with steps, throw which you can reach it".
The hermitage was forgotten for several years under blanket of forgetfulness and rubbish, closed to the visit of people who know its secret existence.
Jun Itineraries
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What to do
Montepulciano This marvellous city is called the pearl of XVI century for its artistic and architectural characteristics, which today are still maintained. Climbing the steep alleys visitors will discover beautiful palaces and churches, where the most famous architects of Renaissance transported their incomparable art. The glorious Piazza Grande is remarkable with the Dom characterized by an unfinished façade and a town hall. In the valley below, in an unforgettable landscape, the elegant building of San Biagio catches the eyes. Montepulciano is also seat of a lively and cultural activity: one of the most important shows of Cantiere Intrenazionale d'Arte is the popular show of Bruscello. During the summer a show with a medieval character takes place: the Bravio delle Botti. During this particular race each district takes part in the run rolling barriques towards the higher point of the town. Montepulciano is well-known as wine centre. Around its hill flourishing and ancient vineyard extent. In the centre it is possible to find wineries of the most famous producer as well as small and characteristic shops. Pienza At the beginning of its history it was Castle of Corsignano, but it took the actual name from Pope Pius II Piccolomini, who promoted, in the second half of XV century, the reconstruction and the project to make this town the utopian and ideal city of the Renaissance. The entire village is a remarkable jewel, particularly the Dom with the art works of Giovanni di Paolo, Matteo di Giovanni Del Vecchietta and Sano di Pietro; in the interior there is also a marble altar attributed to Rossellino, the architect who got the commission to redesign the city. Near the Dom there is the Diocesan museum, where it is possible to admire works of the school of Sodoma and of Sano di Pietro, Fleming tapestries of XVI and XVII century. Near the beautiful Palazzo Piccolomini, built under the project of Bronzino e Beccafumi. In the valley there is the enc
Jun Surroundings
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What to do
San Gregorio situated few steps far from the historical centre of Pienza and from Cultural Natural Artistic Park of Val d'Orcia. The Agriturismo is a starting-point for excursion to small and medium town full of history, art and culture. One of the most important is Pienza, a jewel of the Renaissance architecture and urbanism wished by pope Pius II, the medieval village of Monticchiellowhere every year takes places a form of popular theatre, San Quirico d'Orcia, with its marvellous Collegiata Church, Castiglione d'Orcia with the near fortress d'Orcia, Montalcino with its monuments and the Brunello, Montepulciano with its palaces, churches, works of art and the vino Nobile, Chiusi and its famous Etruscan museum, moreover abbeys like Abbey of Sant'Antimo and the Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore with the frescoes of Sodoma and Signorelli. Nearby there are important spa such as Bagno Vignoni, Bagni San Filippo, Chianciano Terme, Rapolano Terme, San Casciano dei Bagni... Other natural attractions are the landscape of Val d'Orcia, which is suitable to make trekking, excursion with bike or horse riding,Monte Amiata, Trasimeno Lake and Bolsena Lake. In less than an hour it is possible to reach Siena, Arezzo and Perugia. In the environment there are always concerts, shows…and it is possible participate, especially during the summer, to the several and important folkloristic and cultural manifestations (Fiera del Cacio Fair of the cheese, Bruscello, Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte, Festival della Val d'Orcia, Bravio delle Botti, Festa del Barbarossa). Curiosity: some products of Pienza are celebrated: Cacio Pecorino, Porchetta and sweets like "serpe" and "ricciarelli". First courses:pici. Second Courses: fegatellial finocchio o all'alloro . RMS |